There is a special place in my heart (or maybe stomach) for Rice Krispies Treats. They are just so easy and delicious and most every time I make them Continue Reading
Polka-Dot Easter Egg Cookies
Looking for a simple Easter cookie project? This is it! With just a few colors of icing and a simple design that requires no Continue Reading
3-D Easter Bunnies
A few weeks ago, when I made a set of pastel Easter cookies, I wanted to see if I could make the hopping bunny shape (like above) really appear to be Continue Reading
Cute Easter Cookies {How-to}
Here in California spring is finally making an appearance, although I know in much of the country it may be a few weeks yet! I hope this pretty Continue Reading
Purse Cookies
A little while back a friend asked me to make some cookies for her daughter's 13th birthday. The birthday party was going to Continue Reading
Fondant 101
Let's start from the beginning... The title of this post "Fondant 101" implies that this will be a post that will teach you the basics of fondant, and Continue Reading